The wind has definitely gone from my sails at the moment, for reasons I won't go into and it feels like my creative mojo along with any motivation I had, has been loaded into a cannon and shot into the wide blue yonder.
I think I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself and doing absolutely nothing at the moment, but it can't stay like this, I hope anyway.
I did get the hottie cover finished but I haven't took a photo yet. I keep thinking about starting some knitting, I've got hoards of laceweight, but that's about as far as I get. I might have a look on Ravelry and see if anything catches my eye.
My brother is getting married in August and has asked me to do the invitations etc. Its a bit hard at the minute but I need to get them done. It might help distract me and stop me wallowing in self pity.
Before I go, I just want to say to Carrie and Lynn, thank you for everything, for being there, for listening and just for being wonderful friends. It means so much.
sending lots of hugs, things will get better and you have friends who care
Aw hun I so feel for you , sending HUGE cyper hugs and hope that you will soon be feeling brighter. There will be better days ahead I promise
Annie xx
Its awful when your mojo disappears. Mines gone too. Do think that our 2 mojo's are off on holiday somewhere??
{{{BIG HUGS}}}
This is the first time that I have read your blog...I like it very much! You are a very good artist...keep up the great work...your journal is beautiful!! My name is Stephanie. I live in Ohio, USA. My daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, however, live in the UK...Surrey to be exact...and I miss them terribly! So, I can really relate to your latest post...I too have been down in the dumps...not only because of missing them, but this weather is really playing havoc!! I am sick and tired of the snow and cold temps, the house being cold and everything that goes with the cold!! Brighter days ARE around the corner -- just wish they would come a bit quicker!! {{{HUGS}}} Take Care! Stephanie
Take care - is there a smallish project you could try?
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