Friday, October 20, 2006

Todays The Day The Teddy Bears........

Well I`ve well and truly celebrated National Knitting week!! I`ve never had such a busy social life!!
Following Mondays 'knit in', CarrieAnne, Becky and I travelled to Teeside Park on Wednesday, to visit the knitting group at Borders. To celebrate the week, they were there every night, knitting away. They were a really friendly bunch. Add to that the shelfloads of fibrecraft books and a Starbucks cafe instore and you have the recipe for a pretty good evening!!
But today was our knitting groups offering, and it looked fantastic. The Teddy bears picnic was crowded with teddies, who feasted to bursting point on all the delicious grub provided!!
Our Afghan blanket raffle did really well, as did the knitted goods stall.
All the group members excelled themselves, both in the items they made and the time they gave. It was wonderful to be able to play a small part in this event.
Hopefully, we will have raised loads of money for the Hospice already, even before we sell the remaining teddies at the Hallgarth Hall sale.
The photos are poor quality but top pic shows Sheila and Anne who were manning the knitted items for sale stall.
Below them are Linda and Carrie Anne, CarrieAnne being the organiser extraordinaire!!

No sign of the spinning wheel yet, but its probably for the best as I don`t think I would have had the time to look at it!! Tomorrow I`m going to a tabletop sale in Spennymoor with Andrea, so hopefully I`ll sell some of the 'clutter'!!(Make some space for more yarn!) I`m taking my socks and hopefully I`ll get them finished while I`m there!!

Well I better go and dig out some stuff!!


InkyArtitude said...

Hi Kat! I've been thinking about you and Carrie Anne all day and wondering how things were going. I hope that it was as successful as you had hoped and more.

I do envy you your busy life full of 'crafty things' - I used to have one as well if I remember rightly. Always too busy doing the 'wrong' things now. Must get a dictionary and discover the meaning of that little word, what was it called?........oh! yes, I remember - FUN.

Look forward to hearing all about your event and hope that the spinning wheel arrives PDQ.

acrylik said...

Hello! Love the photos! And thank you so much for all your help getting the picnic organised - you are a star!

(P.S. I've got hold of a copy of the Echo - and was showing it around Newcastle show all day yesterday!)

Anonymous said...

So glad all went well at the Pcnic and that you all raised so much money for a worthy caus :).

Craftydramaqueen said...

Your pictures are fine, that's how the picnic looked thru my glasses!!! Hope u get your wheel soon, then our coven will be complete, ha ha ha...